Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We want you to know you are always welcome at Bethany Lutheran Church.
Here together we can worship the God who through our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a promise of hope that guides us through this life with all of its challenges and even into eternity.
Here we can serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said he “came not to be served but to serve,” As his servants we also share His compassion with others and look to ways we can serve our neighbor. At Bethany we support ministries here in this congregation, in our community, and through our denomination around the world.
Here we can learn together through Bible study. There is a depth to the Bible that no matter how long you have studied it there is always something new and fresh to give meaning to our lives.
Here we pray for one another and for all who have needs.
If you have no church home please consider being a part of Bethany.